Sunset Beach, NC
Here are a few things you need to know . . .
Due to changes in where we can set up at Sunset Beach I am advising anyone wishing to be married here and wanting a package with the arbor to consider changing to Ocean Isle Beach. We can no longer have the arbor face the water it has to be sideways at the back of the beach. Your arbor will have lots of obstructions behind it.
You may get married on the public strand as long as you do not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Please remember and inform your guests that no vehicles are permitted on the beach.
No glass is permitted on the beach. You may have chairs as long as they are removed by sunset.
The Gazebo is public property and, therefore, may not be rented. However, you may hold your ceremony in the Gazebo. You may have decorations but they may not include lights of any kind for safety reasons.
While you may use the Gazebo, please remember that it is a public entry to the beach and while most people will respect your ceremony some may need to use the beach access.
There is no permit required from Town Hall to hold a wedding on the beach strand.